Are you ready!

Are you Ready!

We will be starting the day at 8:30 with the 8-under division.  Then we will work our way up through the age groups. As usual, the Pro Men and Pro Women may decide to jump in at any time to run their heats.


Are you Ready!

We are so stoked to be working with Elev8 Industries this year. Elev8 works with several charities to make the lives of Orange County kids better.  A bunch of the kids will be down to watch the competition. Rasta Taco is going to bring them all lunch! And for some, this will be their first trip to the beach!


Are you Ready!

Elev8 has been able to connect with several large sponsors, so the Pro Purse is looking good! We also have contracts with 2 TV shows who will be filming the event. The voice of skimming, Garth Wyckoff, will be conducting interviews and announcing. This will bring some great publicity to our sport!


Are you Ready!

Esteemed head judge, Conley Ware, is building us a stairway to get contestants safely over the rocks! Teddy Vlasis and the SoLag Vibrations will be playing at lunch breaks. We have a great BBQ lunch truck coming down. KX 93.5 will be down all weekend playing the tunes.


Are you Ready!

We will have some live streaming on both Facebook and Instagram. Sadly the Sands Cafe at the beach is closed this year. We used to get our power and WIFI from them. So unfortunatly, no live scoring or live streaming.


Are you Ready!

Gooch is one of our sponsors.  Owner Butch McIntosh has put up $100 for the most Gooch Wave. The description is vague…but the judges will know it when they see it!


Are you Ready!


We’re going to have a good time!


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